Purposive Preparation

Purposive preparation is a need based strategic intervention that is aimed to add values to something. In this case reference is made to a professional learning session that was custom made to meet specific demands. There were three areas 1. Linking the core skills to social entrepreneurship. 2. Team building activity for facilitators. 3. Experiential Digital Literacy exposure to address mindsets. The menu was rich and the customization demanding. The linkage involved exploring the social enterprise course to see the potential linkage. The outcomes was the presentation of why core skills, a brief introduction of core skills, social entrepreneur presentation followed by the unpacking of some of the core skills. The blend was seamless and value adding.

The team building was a bit tricky as there was need to dig in to know what we’re the issues. A conversation with a key person unravelled what the issue was. This meant constructing a session that will speak to the issues. A three tiered session was designed of identifying the self, the facilitation journey and the expectations. This allowed the facilitator to reflect and rethink on their roles.

The digital literacy journey was repackaged in a way that presented the content through the infusion of technology. Affordance and opportunities were unpacked. The material choice were analysed through ERRO and the technology infusion through SAMR model. All the understandings were checked through assessment as learning, assessment for learning and assessment of learning. The rich hands on experience brough out SAMRERROA.

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