Outcome based presentation

The whole team with the BC lead and two of the three facilitators who accompanied the team

The invite to 3rd National Curriculum conference provides an opportunity to showcase the teachers we prepare. During the conference we had an opportunity to prepare four teachers two from western Kenya and two from south rift and a school leader. The aim was to showcase how the teachers were enhancing core skills in their pedagogy as well as how well the school leaders were leading their schools.

The transformed teachers showcasing their pedagogy

The school leader message was about leading learning this included knowing how teaching is happening in the school through checking the plans and observing classes as well as support teachers through feedback and motivation.

The teachers presented a competency enhancing classroom which included locally made instructional materials, tracking learners progress and active learning. The teachers were able to demonstrate approaches that facilitated the students learning outcomes in a holistic approach that addressed knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and competencies.

The school leaders presenting to Hon Tuju looking on is the Regional Master Trainer Dr. Maina

The reception was positive and those who visited the stand got an insight on how we prepared teachers and school leaders to inspire and transform them. The kind of questions we received was an indicators of the thirst for evidence on core skills enhancement in our schools.

The BC lead addressing some burning questions from the audience

This brings to the point that awareness creation needs to go beyond telling to the inclusion of modeling and results based demonstration so that the audiences can see, feel, experience what is possible that is the envisaged change.

BC Regional lead be taken through by a teacher as an interesting teacher watches

Regional Master Trainer welcome the CS Education Prof. Magoha to the stand.

The Regional Master Trainer explaining how a teachers uses recycled plastic bottle tops in a cognitive guided instruction in mathematics to Hon Tuju.

As a learning facilitator I learnt an awareness approach that can be more effective that is modeling transformation. I am ready to learn more, how do we inform, inspire and transform educators globally. Our future is in our learners.

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